Concept And Meaning Of Revenue Reserve
A reserve which is created out of the revenue profit is called revenue reserve. Revenue profit is earned in the normal course of the business. Revenue reserve refers to the undistributed revenue profit. It is created for strengthening the financial position, replacing deprecialble assets, redeeming liabilities, declaring uniform rate of dividend and conducting research and development functions. If the reserve is not needed in the future, it can be distributed as dividend to the shareholders.
Types Of Revenue Reserve
There are two types of revenue reserve:
a) General Reserve
A reserve which is created out of the profit not for a specific purpose is known as general reserve.General reserve is used for general purpose as per the discretion of the management. Usually, general reserve is used for strengthening the financial position and meeting future contingencies and losses.
b) Specific Reserve
A reserve which is created out of the profit for a particular purpose is known as specific reserve. Such reserve can not be utilized for any purpose other than specified. Specific reserve is created by debiting the profit and loss appropriation account. It can be invested in outside securities. It serves for a specific purpose as to equalize dividend or to redeem a fixed liability or to replace a fixed assets or to conduct a research and development work.
The following are the important types of specific reserve:
* Dividend equalization fund
* Sinking fund
* Research and development fund
a) General Reserve
A reserve which is created out of the profit not for a specific purpose is known as general reserve.General reserve is used for general purpose as per the discretion of the management. Usually, general reserve is used for strengthening the financial position and meeting future contingencies and losses.
b) Specific Reserve
A reserve which is created out of the profit for a particular purpose is known as specific reserve. Such reserve can not be utilized for any purpose other than specified. Specific reserve is created by debiting the profit and loss appropriation account. It can be invested in outside securities. It serves for a specific purpose as to equalize dividend or to redeem a fixed liability or to replace a fixed assets or to conduct a research and development work.
The following are the important types of specific reserve:
* Dividend equalization fund
* Sinking fund
* Research and development fund